March 17, 2015

SOM 2015 - Week 3: Sin and Salvation

“For I will be merciful to their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” (Jeremiah 31: 34)

In the course of Week 3, Fritz Mascarenhas brought the participants to a realization of how sin impacts lives thus leading them to see the need for Our Saviour Jesus Christ. The theme of ' Surrender' was emphasised as a way of life in the Kingdom of God. We recognise the mercy of the heavenly Father to the extent we recognise sin in our lives. He has promised that our sins will be remembered no more and that we will be cleansed as white as snow. (Jeremiah 31: 34, Isaiah 1:18).

A beautiful celebration of the Cross was held on Friday evening, where each one who was present that night brought their sins and nailed it to the Cross, believing that they are forgiven and their sins wiped away. This celebration continued through the night with songs of praise and dance.

This freeing experience has prepared the participants for the upcoming week on “Holy Spirit”. We are delighted to have Maria Vadia, flying in from the United Stated for the next two weeks. Please continue your fervent prayers that the participants will experience the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the gift of love from God.

Testimonies of Participants on Week 3 – Sin and Salvation

All of us desire love but sometimes we seek for love from other people or other things apart from God, which leaves our hearts feeling dry. Last week, we reflected on how we have turned away from God and hurt the perfect friendship He had intended for us to have with Him. By the grace of God, I felt Him filling my dry and empty heart with His love during one of the prayer sessions. He constantly reminded me that even though I have strayed away from Him, the infinitely loving and forgiving Jesus is waiting for me to turn around and walk with Him on the path to eternal life. ~ Charlene Chua, Singapore

My sins are forgiven and forgotten. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. ~Jerome Barnabas, India

School of Mission 2015 Duc in Altum

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