October 12, 2017

Closing of the ICPE Missionary Formation, New Zealand (2015-2017)

With grateful heart the ICPE Mission celebrated the closing of the 2 year Missionary Programme on 8 October 2017. The group consists of Stefanus, Susanna, Melinda, Dion, Irene, Gemma, Cornelia, Bibiana and Miriam began their formative journey on 18 October 2015 under the leadership of Fr. Francis D'Souza.

The closing mass was celebrated by Fr. Alan Roberts. After communion, they testified to the Lord with a sign language and cardboard testimony presentation. Following this, Silvana, the acting director spoke to them with words of appreciation and encouragement before handing them the Missionary Cross of St. John Paul II. A time of fellowship followed with the Sunday Congregation

The celebration continue in the evening with the Community Agape meal. Mario and Anna, our beloved founder sent their message which was read out to encourage the nine of them forward to be signposts of God. Fr. Francis who is currently in Malta for his new appointment also shared his words of encouragement with them through a skype call.

It is indeed a time a great rejoicing celebrating such a milestone. To God be the highest glory!