December 23, 2015
Christmas Greetings
December 9, 2015
Life in the Spirit Seminar – 8, 15 and 22 November 2015
December 1, 2015
Grace's 25 Years Anniversary with the ICPE Mission
November 10, 2015
The 8th World Meeting of Family (Philadelphia) and the Gospel of the Family
November 6, 2015
Life In The Spirit Seminar
November 4, 2015
Mission Sunday Celebration
October 24, 2015
Feast of St. Gerard Majella
July 21, 2015
Closing of School of Mission 2015
Duc in Altum - “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” (Luke 5: 4)
After 20 weeks since having set sail, the School of Mission 2015 has anchored and come to a close last Sunday ie July 12th as we witnessed Cardinal John Dew, archbishop of Wellington affirming each one’s call to be instruments of the Lord’s healing and mercy in bringing freedom to people’s lives using the Sunday’s readings . The lively Eucharistic celebration came to a close with the Cardinal laying his hands over each of the 21 participants of the school as we prayed for a fresh infilling of God’s Spirit. This was followed by a wonderful time of fellowship and laughter, photo-taking and goodbyes to the many friends made over the last few months.
The second part of the day’s celebration involved the agape meal in the evening with sumptuous Asian food readily relished by all and a choice of delectable desserts. It was also a privileged moment for the participants not only to be able skype with our founder, Mario their experiences at the school but also to listen to Mario sharing his wisdom and encouragement on how to proceed with the next steps of their life.
At the end each of the participants were awarded a certificate acknowledging their participation at the School of Mission 2015 and the sign language "Thank You" presented by the participants in appreciation for all the efforts put in by the staff concluded the day’s celebrations.
We thank God for this faithfulness during this school and for all those who have journeyed with us with their prayers. We continue to pray for the participants that they will be made holy and empowered to be God’s chosen instruments of love and healing as they return home to their respective countries.
Testimony Benjamin Chambers (Australia)
I am very grateful for being able to attend the School of Mission 2015 in New Zealand as it has brought me so much joy, affirmation and confidence. It has given me a solid foundation for my faith and brought me into a closer relationship with God. The community at St.Gerard's also helped to create a loving and caring environment with the culture of honoring and hospitality.
July 9, 2015
June 13, 2015
SOM 2015: Setting Sail - Outreach
The School of Mission now enters into the Outreach phase. This year too, we have divided ourselves into two teams: one reaching out to the North Island and the other team going to the South Island.
We are grateful to God for the open doors and opportunities to serve His people across this land: Wellington, Stratford, Palmerston North, Christchurch, Westport and Reefton.
The South Island will depart by ferry to South Island early Saturday morning (13.06.2015) heading to Christchurch while the North Island will begin at St Francis de Sales Parish, a parish in Wellington on Sunday (14.06.2015).
During these times, we will be running parish seminars, visiting schools, colleges and making house visits, meeting parishioners, engaging with youth - some of the ways we would share the Joy of the Gospel.
We thank you for your continuous prayerful support and ask you to continue be part of this journey of SOM 2015 as we begin this Mission in this land of New Zealand. May the Lord's Spirit be our Guide and Protection. May His Words be shared, Love be experienced and Glory be manifested to the greatest.
School of Mission 2015
Duc in Altum
June 10, 2015
SOM 2015 : Week 12 - Catholic Church
This week we looked at the Catholic Church,her history, the church and the Sacraments. The speakers of this week were our very own ICPE priests – Fr Tony Alex, Fr Francis D’souza and Fr Alliston Fernandes.
Fr Tony began the week by sharing with us the incredible history of the church, explaining to us how she has evolved into the Mother church we have today.
Fr Alliston explained to us the concept of Church and her mission. In particular, we looked at the characteristics of the Church through the four major Marks of the Church being One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
Fr Francis beautifully explained the importance and the depth of each of the seven Sacraments. We learnt that the Sacraments are an extension of Christ into our time and that God’s grace is showered immensely through the Sacraments.
The church still stands as a mystical body of Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit throughout history and has overcome many obstacles along her path. Today, we recognize the enormous treasure that she is and are proud to be part of this Universal Church.
Testimony by Jeanne (Malaysia)
This week, I realize that the Church is the Mother Jesus has given us. Human, but wise and loving. Whatever Jesus did in His time, He is still doing today through the Sacraments of the Church. How great is His love for me that because I know through experience, He provided me with these beautiful gifts that help me experience more of His love.
Testimony by Jerome (India)
I am so blessed to be part of the Catholic Church, with a rich history of 2000 years. A church truly led by the Holy Spirit. A church that really knows what she is doing.
SOM 2015: Week 11 - Discernment
The participants of School of Mission 2015 this week head into another important week of their school. This week’s topic is on Discernment. The speaker for the first five days was our very own priest in the mission-Father Francis. He started off the week by explaining the essentials of making a good discernment.
Beginning with a quick history of the Ignatian way of discernment that we as a mission follow,he spoke about the attitudes that one who discerns must possess He included some practical techniques used in the process of discernment.
Father Francis ,through some group dynamics and the use of art work, the participants were encouraged to tune into hearing the voice of God and surrendering to his holy will.Next, through the use of Scripture, he showed them how one could hear God's voice.He explained the errors that could arise in the process as well.The participants were then invited to consecrate their lives before the Blessed Sacrament.
On the last day of the week, the participants heard the teaching by Father Kevin on 'Discernment in the Church'. The paerticipants saw the important role the Holy Spirit plays in the processof discernment and the need to submit to His promptings. The highlight of the talk was the fact that all of us are greatly loved by God and from the knowledge of being loved by Him,we can discern and do God's will.
Testimony by Bibiana Francis (Community Experience 2014-2015) from Malaysia
This has been an amazing and insightful week as Fr. Francis and Fr. Kevin spoke on discernment. I found the practical experiences and examples that he gave to be very helpful in my own journey, as well as to see errors I may have committed in my process of discerning His will for my life. The other thing that touched me was that the key to knowing God's will for me is to be in a living and loving relationship with God, trusting that He has a great plan for me. I need not worry about anything because He is Father and He will take care of everything and all I need to say is my 'yes' in faith!
SOM 2015 Week 10 - Worship, Catechism of the Catholic Church & Divine Will
After a week of restful break, we resumed the School with teachings on the topics of Worship by Derek Chong, Catholicism of the Catholic Church by Fr. Carl Telford and Divine Will by Tony Hikey. When we know who we are in God and who God is to us, worship will come natural to us.
The first three days of the week, Derek taught us on the topic of Worship. That in order to fully worship God, we need to discover our identity. When we recognise who God is to us through all He has done for us we would naturally be grateful for all that He has done for us. It is in this heart of gratitude that we are free to worship God.
Next, we had Fr. Carl, a Marist priest for 37years, who enlightened us on a treasure of the church that is often overlooked which is Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). Fr. Carl gave us an introduction to the CCC and insisted that to be effective evangelisers, we need to not only know about our faith, but to develop relationship with God as well. The CCC help us to encounter God through the teachings of the mother church handed down over the years through various sources.
Last but not the least, we had Tony Hikey, a lay minister from Manchester, UK, who spoke to us on Divine Will. In order to respond to God’s will, we need first to encounter God and to have a relationship with Him through sacred Scripture, teachings of the church ad to have complete trust in Him knowing that we will be in good hands.These teachings gave our participants new and profound insights on who they are, how God sees them and how to respond to His will. We will go more in depth on how we can know God’s will for us and how to respond to His will as we enter into another amazing week on the topic of Discernment by our very own Fr. Francis D’souza. We hope that you continue to keep us and especially our participants in prayer.
God bless.Testimony:
I came to realise that worship is a process in man's self-realisation, which must be regarded as an essential act, without which a whole realm of human life would remain atrophied. ~ Patrick, Nigeria
April 20, 2015
SOM 2015: Week 8 - Inner Healing
The Inner Healing week (week 8) has been one of breaking down and building up. During the course of this week, God has shown His faithfulness, kindness and mercy. We witnessed breakthroughs in the lives of our school participants. Many having come to the place of being vulnerable have allowed God to work in their hearts bringing healing to their spirits.
We are grateful for the anointed healer we have had in Diana who after tirelessly giving significant input, insights and reflections throughout the week also led the participants to a readiness for being ministered to in the prayer ministries. We concluded this week on ups and downs with viewing of the movie "Courageous".
We look forward to having the topic of “Worship” led by Derek as we resume after a week-long break. Do continue to keep all of us in your prayers that we may be protected and refreshed during this week.
God's abundant blessings!School of Mission 2015 Duc in Altum
Testimonies from participants on Week 8 - Inner Healing
The first few days I had trouble connecting with the sessions and prayer ministries. But I prayed that God would reveal Himself in His own time, and I also know that a few prayer warriors were keeping me in prayer. So, I just tried to keep the faith. On the fourth day, God revealed to me a deep hurt from my childhood that I had refused to acknowledge or bring to light throughout my entire life. With His grace, I was able to be vulnerable, let myself feel the strong negative emotions of long ago and finally renounce them in front of His Divine Mercy. I’m thrilled to begin on a path of restoration as a daughter and woman of God. ~Beverley, Singapore
This week I was reminded of my many past hurts and each day, Jesus never failed to come into those hard times to shield me from the shame and tell me that I am unconditionally accepted by Him. ~Gabriel, Indonesia
April 15, 2015
SOM 2015: Week 7 Christian Character
“Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am Holy.” (Leviticus 19:2)
This week, the School of Mission returned from a triumphant experience of the Easter Triduum and entered into a week focusing on Christian Character.
The participants were introduced to the vision of the crown of glory. Each one was called to Holiness...a calling to reflect and practice the foundation and pillars of our characters, that are the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, as well as the Cardinal Virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Justice and Prudence.
In response to the growth in our journey of Holiness and Christian Virtues, we are called to be good servants and stewards and to be faithful. These are all rooted in our dignity and identity as Children of a Faithful, Abundant and Loving Father. The week ended with the topic on Community and Conflicts.
We are grateful and truly appreciate our speakers for the week: Sheila Libano, Fr. Francis D’Souza, Susilo Kentjana, Wimpie Santoso and Fr. Tony Alex.
Please pray for the School of Mission this week as we enter a week of Inner Healing. We pray for breakthroughs in the lives of the participants.
School of Mission 2015 Duc in AltumApril 14, 2015
5th Ordination Anniversary of Fr. Alliston Fernandes
“You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrews 5: 6)
Today (10.04.2015) marked the 5th anniversary of the Priestly Ordination of Fr. Alliston Fernandes. The celebration began with a Eucharist just for the Community in the morning, with Fr. Alliston, himself as the main celebrant and Fr. Francis con-celebrating with him.
The community also celebrated this special occasion over an appertising and relaxed dinner that consisted of deep-fried fish, baked potatoes, coleslaw and apricot-coconut cake with ice cream. The celebration was one that overflowed with love and joy especially evident in the words the community used to honour Fr. Alliston as our priest, brother and Director.
Many acknowledged and affirmed his smile, sense of humour, his wonderful homilies, his leadership, humility, and last but not the least his pastoral gifts of service and availability which have blessed and enriched all who approach him.
Let us all continue to keep Fr. Alliston in our prayers that God may fill him with His abundant love and wisdom in leading the flock that has been entrusted to him. May God strengthen and empower him to greater holiness to draw more people to God!
2015 Easter Triduum at St. Gerard's
Lent 2015 reached its climax with the Easter Triduum. To prepare for the celebration, we were graced with Penitential Service on Holy Wednesday with God reaching out to his people through the Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrated by fours priests.
With a heart cleansed, we went into Jesus’ passion at the Maundy Thursday mass where we enacted the washing of the disciples’ feet, the institution of the Lord’s Supper as well as watched and prayed with the Lord until midnight as the Blessed Sacrament was placed at the altar of repose. We reminded of our God who came to serve us and give us life as ransom for us.
Good Friday began with recitation of the Liturgy of The Hours; then undergoing the Way of the Cross at our local parish. At 3pm, Passion service we were filled with awe of the Lord’s love as each of us venerated the Cross. Following that we had the screening of the movie” Passion of the Christ”.
We once more joined St. Joseph’s parish to celebrate the Easter Vigil that highlighted Jesus - the light of the world; the sacraments of initiation for four members which was beautiful as they stepped into the waters of baptism and came out.
The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia! Celebration of the Lord’s victory over death continued in St. Gerard on Easter Sunday with mass and fellowship.
Worship Night - March 2015
On Worship night which was held on the 27th of March, we were privileged to have Maria Vadia from the USA as our speaker.
The theme centered on worship and healing and we had full house that night beginning with resounding praise and worship that brought the whole congregation to worship God. Maria's teaching focused on living the reality of God's kingdom on earth. This is possible only if we allow God to lead and take charge of our life. In God's kingdom there is forgiveness and illness of any kind has its root in this truth. However, restoration is possible in God's kingdom only if we are willing to let go and forgive.
The night was filled with a lot of healing taking place and those people who experienced healing testified to God's promises of restoration and kingdom reality. We ended the night with shouts of praise thanking God for all that He had done and all that He will continue to do in our lives.
April 7, 2015
Lenten Recollection 2015
On Sunday 22 March 2015, a full-day Lenten Recollection was held at St. Gerard’s Church for two Filipino communities from Upper Hutt and Paraparaumu respectively. It was a time to prepare themselves in this great season of grace.
April 4, 2015
Easter Sunday at St Gerard's
The Lord is Risen! Alleluia!
Come and join in this Eucharistic celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ which brings us our salvation!
See you here tomorrow (05.04.2015) at 10:30 am !
SOM 2015 - Week 4 & 5: Holy Spirit and Spiritual Warfare
“You belong to God, children, and you have conquered them, for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4: 4)
It has been an amazing 2 weeks with Maria Vadia sharing with us the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to engage in Spiritual Warfare.
The participants, including the staff, are enlightened, refreshed and empowered by the Spirit as we began each session every day with Praise and Worship, bringing the power of the Spirit within each of us to its fullness. The sessions were made interesting with Maria’s personal testimonies and experiences of the significance and power of the Holy Spirit in her life. The participants got to practice their spiritual gifts through out the sessions with each other and were encouraged to guard their tongues, so that their tongues are used to edify, encourage and empower others.
Now as we have entered the Holy Week, we ask for your fervent prayers so that with all that the participants have learnt about the Heart of the Father, Sin and Salvation, the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Warfare, the simple truth that God is Love be sealed in each one of their hearts!
Testimonies from participants on Week 4 & 5
We were told to practice Thanksgiving, especially in moments of problems and worries. As I looked at my biggest issues in life and started thanking the Lord for His faithfulness and breakthroughs, deep peace came into those areas and I was filled with lots of hope and joy. ~Sebastian Raber, Germany
He, who never sleeps nor slumbers never lets us out of His sight. How wonderful that is! Even when I stumble in disbelief, Jesus is ready to lead me back to the embrace of my Father.What love God has for me! Today, I fear no darkness because the light of Christ lives in me.Thank you for Your Spirit and for your unfailing love that is poured deep into my heart. ~Jokin Vallabaraju, India
School of Mission 2015 Duc in Altum
April 3, 2015
Good Friday at St. Gerard's
"It is finished." John 19: 30
Good Friday is the day we commemorate to passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. "Son though He was, He learned obedience even unto death" (Hebrews 5: 8). He endured all the sufferings - stricken, smitten, afflicted, pierced and crushed - all simply for the salvation of our souls for eternity.
Please come and join is to commemorate this great saving grace we received through the Passion of Christ tomorrow (3 April 2015) at 3pm.
ICPE Mission New Zealand
St. Gerard's Monastery