December 9, 2015

Life in the Spirit Seminar – 8, 15 and 22 November 2015

"I'm calling on people to hold Seminars of New Life in the Spirit, where a person can get in touch with some part of Christian doctrine, where they can experience the Renewal and pass from being nominal Christians to real Christians." - Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap., preacher to the papal household since 1980

The Life in the Spirit Seminar that was held on 8, 15 and 22 November drew an amazing response from the congregation at St. Gerard’s Church as well as from friends from around Wellington. The line up of the talks given by our resident missionaries, namely Fr. Alliston, Fritz Mascarenhas, Wimpie Santoso and Ignatius Susilo prepared the hearts of the people to see God as a loving Father once again. The Father’s love that every heart is longing for, is lavished upon us through Jesus Christ, our Saviour. The participants were encouraged to turn back to Christ. They were empowered once again by the power of the Holy Spirit. The dynamics of the sessions included times of praise and worship, teachings from the BIble,,group sharings and fellowship. The seminars closed with a session of infilling with the Holy Spirit for all the participants. Hearts were turned back to God and lives were refreshed.

Here below is a sharing from one of the participants;

"The Life in the Spirit seminar was almost my first exposure to charismatic worship. I'm still thinking about whether it is for me. It was good to set aside time to think about how to live life in the spirit and to realise how challenging it is to actually do so. Everyone involved in running the seminar was very sincere and committed and made an effort to reach out to the people who attended. Thank you all for doing it". – F.H.

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