November 24, 2016

Fourth Week of the School of Mission

The fourth week of the School of Mission focused on the topic ‘Holy Spirit’. Fritz Mascarenhas and Fr Francis D’Souza were the speakers for the week. The week was filled with new refreshing insights of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit being a person and not something that did not matter. The Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity certainly has a depth of personality that includes Consoler, Paraclete, Healer and Creator. He bears gifts for the children of God. He wants to be present in our lives today.

The week included not just the teachings but ministries as well that brought more meaning to what was taught. The prayer ministry at the end of the week included the renewing of our baptismal promises with the lighting of candles.

Fr. Francis led the time of ministry exposing the Blessed Sacrament and carrying the Sacrament to each individual.

Everyone in some way experienced the touch of the Holy Spirit.

The week began with the ground shaking literally and ended with hearts being stirred up and warmed with the love of the Holy Spirit.

Sharing by one of the participants of the School: 

For me the Holy Spirit is like a coach. If I allow him, he can do great jobs within me. I have to be totally open for him to guide me, to instruct me, to lead me and to show me the path that leads to the eternal happiness – God. But I know that if I need the Holy Spirit to work in me I need to accept and to co-operate. The more I open myself to the Holy Spirit the more be given because the Holy Spirit is always a giver.
- Jonathan Debattista 


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