April 14, 2016

Ministry in the Philippines

Fr Alliston made a pilgrimage to the Divine Mercy Shrine in the southern island of Mindanao, assisting in confessions for penitents for more than ten hours over the weekend and then celebrating an early morning mass for the feast of Divine Mercy.

He then arrived at Tagaytay, to assist at the “Catch the Fire’, a short program being conducted by the ICPE Philippines mission center for young adults. The second day had Fr. Alliston sharing on the immensity of God’s mercy. God’s mercy is seen in the Old Testament through mention of words such as hesed and rahamim. These bring out God’s fatherly and motherly love for his people. A time of ministry later that day saw the participants experience ‘returning home’ realizing the depth of God’s love for each of them.

The third day with the focus being the savior Jesus, he was there to offer to the sacrament of mercy- i.e. sacrament of reconciliation for the participants who were open to avail it. The fourth day was a healing mass where participants offered all that weighed them down to offered it at mass.

The weekend was spent celebrating mass with the prisoners at local provisional prison. Do keep all of them at the ICPE mission center- staff and the participants, in your prayers.

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